
2 Results / Page 1 of 1



The Changing Dance Music Economy: Examining the Risks and Rewards of Rising DJ Fees

The Changing Dance Music Economy: Examining the Risks and Rewards of Rising DJ Fees DJs, agents, and promoters from all corners of the world are sharing their perspectives on a crucial aspect of the industry. The dance music economy has experienced a post-lockdown boom, leading to a significant surge in artists' booking fees. However, amidst this transformation, some local promoters are feeling the pressure, raising concerns about the long-term sustainability […]

todayJune 8, 2023 18


DJ Profession Officially Recognized as an Art Form in Spain

DJ Profession Officially Recognized as an Art Form in Spain This week marked a significant milestone as the Spanish Association of DJs and Producers (AEDYP) and the business federation EspaƱa de Noche gathered at the headquarters of the General Society of Authors and Publishers (SGAE) in Barcelona to unveil a groundbreaking collective agreement for the industry. This agreement elevates the status of DJs to the level of actors, dancers, and […]

todayMay 31, 2023 18